Sunday, May 1, 2011

Perdu dans un monde d'adultes

ILe enfant en eux, pour une fois, se balançait, a sauté sur Merry-go-rounds et gambadaient sur ​​balançoires aujourd'hui. Des circonstances par ailleurs fait en sorte que ces enfants assument le rôle des adultes.

La plupart de ces enfants d'un moindre Dieu, venant de familles brisées et certains vivent dans la rue se sont réunis pour célébrer avant Noël et peut-être aussi les joies d'être un enfant. Childline a organisé la pré-Noël se rassemblent à l'école Don Bosco ici dans cet état colline de Meghalaya en Inde du nord.

12-ans Ibalang (nom changé) a dit qu'elle travaille comme femme de ménage. Sa contribution à sa famille de sept frères et sœurs et mère célibataire est immense.

«Normalement, je n'ai pas le temps de jouer. Quand je rentre chez moi, je suis fatigué et aller au lit, dit-elle. Ibalang était ici aujourd'hui, au début des heures à jouer la plupart du temps, avec d'autres enfants avec l'espérance de d'un cadeau de Noël.

"Je veux une robe", at-elle ajouté avec une timidité feinte. Le frère aîné de Kordor (15) a été responsable en apportant son frère de 8 ans pour la célébration. Kordor est un vendeur de journaux.

Kordor amené son frère le long parce qu'il n'avait pas assisté à une célébration de Noël avant de leur famille de cinq frères et sœurs et mère célibataire.

Pour d'autres, comme M. Suresh (14) vivent dans la rue depuis des années, aujourd'hui a été une occasion rare d'attendre pour les dons d'une personne. Il balaye pour les chiffons et les vend et gagne à peine de sa nourriture quotidienne.

Demain, ces enfants seraient à nouveau perdu dans la foule des adultes laissant derrière eux leur innocence!

(original) The child in them, for once, swung, hopped on merry-go-rounds and frolicked on seesaws today. Circumstances otherwise have ensured that these children assume the role of adults.

Most of these children of a lesser God, coming from broken families and some living in the streets got together to celebrate pre-Christmas and also perhaps the joys of being a child. Childline organized the pre-Christmas get together at the Don Bosco School here in this hill state of Meghalaya in northeast India.

12-year-old Ibalang (names changed) said she works as a housemaid. Her contribution towards her family of seven siblings and single mother is immense.

"Normally I don't get time to play. When I get back home I am tired and go to bed," she said. Ibalang was here early hours today playing most of the time, with other children with the expectance of a Christmas gift.

"I want a dress," she added coyly. The elder brother in Kordor (15) was responsible in bringing his 8-year-old brother for the celebration. Kordor is a newspaper vendor.

Kordor brought his brother along because he had not witnessed a Christmas celebration before in their family of five siblings and single mother.

For others like Suresh (14) living on the street for years now, today was a rare opportunity to expect for gifts from someone. He scavenges for rags and sells them and earns barely for his daily food.

Tomorrow these kids would again be lost in the crowd of adults leaving behind their innocence!

Au pays des fantômes Radcliffe

Les chemins sans hâte brûlée par le soleil de ces villages poussiéreux semblent commencer et se terminer à un endroit inconnu, où le fantôme d'un gentleman anglais, Cyril Radcliff règne. Ces villages sont enceintes avec une pause. Temps semblent avoir cessé cochant ici à partir de 1947.

Toutefois, cela n'a pas empêché la vie à la force de la terre. Qu'il s'agisse de l'herbe verdoyante pleine de jus ou de narcisses sauvages se balançant avec l'air humide. Il ya aussi les plantes occasionnels Mimosa, en restant apparemment au secret, après plusieurs tentatives pour les atteindre. Ce sont quelques-uns des villages surnommé «en possession indésirables" (pour ce que cela signifie), près de Pyrdiwah le long de la frontière indo-Bangla dans le Meghalaya.

Voici la vache du Bangladesh ne pas hésiter à brouter (indienne) herbe. Elle lève la tête pour avoir un aperçu à l'approche des étrangers. Quelques secondes plus tard, elle reprend, avec nonchalance, son croquant. La région est également parsemée de «T, sous et les piliers de la frontière internationale». De loin, elles ressemblent à des taches d'encre causé par une plume en désordre sur une carte topographique. Le Azan de la mosquée lointaine Bangladesh flottait sur ces taches.

Témoigner de tout cela, il est facile de se perdre, et accidentellement la bande de roulement à l'intérieur du Bangladesh comme possédé par le fantôme Radcliff. Ici aussi, l'air humide se bloque, les plantes sont également Mimosa honte. Seule une faucille brandissant bangladais de charge à travers les rizières incultes peuvent ramener le point d'être dans un monde irréel.

"Amrare marte aiso ni?" (Avez-vous venir nous tuer "?) Avec ce soupçon, il rassemble ses semblables et les requêtes:" diya Bandook ki Korba ... Marba ni? (Que faites-vous avec des fusils ... veulent nous tuer "?), Pointant à la Force de sécurité des frontières (BSF) des gardes.

Pendant ce temps, un jardin serpent traversé la frontière avec la facilité. Le Border Security Force (BSF) n'a pas trop se soucier de l'infiltration. "Karega Apko kuch nahi ... yeh zaheerila Nehi hai» («il ne vous nuira pas ... il n'est pas toxique."), Fait l'écho des gardes-frontières à l'unisson de l'intrusion du Bangladesh.

Le trekking en outre sur la ligne zéro dans la partie indienne, la suspicion et la désinformation (probablement) se répandent comme une traînée de poudre à travers la frontière. Les enfants s'élancèrent comme le vent. Disparaître derrière des arbres et les plantations de bananes abondante noix de bétel. Ils ont laissé une traînée de poussière, le chaos et la tension dans l'air. Plus Bangladesh réunis et ont couru et marché parallèle à l'équipe indienne. Tout en criant à travers la frontière. Il a été pandémonium perceptible de l'autre côté.
Une femme dans la partie du Bangladesh, étant probablement mal informé de la visite des Indiens, lança le choicest jurons de son porte chaumière. Sa complainte entrecoupée de violations ont continué pendant au moins 20 minutes jusqu'à ce que l'équipe indienne trouvé (heureusement) la couverture naturelle des collines.

Enfin, dans le village de Lyngkhat (Lakhancherra au Bangladesh), les villageois se sont réunis. Les caméras et les trépieds intrigué hordes d'enfants ici. Les enfants du Bangladesh trop squatté et regardé avec émerveiller à travers la frontière internationale d'environ cinq pieds de distance. les femmes du Bangladesh baigné dans un sale ruisseau voisin. Il n'ya pas de clôtures ici, pas de paroles échangées, entre les deux voisins. Le BSF se vigilants. Le village est étiqueté "dans''possession adverse.

Il ya environ 52 ces terrains a ajouté «en possession indésirables" en Inde revendiquée par le Bangladesh. L'Inde soutient environ 49 pour ces terres en possession adversative du Bangladesh. Ces petits morceaux de terre varient en taille de 5 à 500 acres.

En outre, il est le plus délicat problème des enclaves. Il ya 111 enclaves indiennes (connu sous le nom jetons de au Bangladesh) mesure 17,258.24 acres au Bangladesh. De même, il ya 51 telles enclaves Bangladesh en territoire indien, couvrant 7,083.72 acres.

"Nous avons peur», a déclaré, Thomlin Khongthohrem, les sourcils froncés, l'un des anciens du village à village Lyngkhat. "L'année dernière, certains de nos gens ont été traînés au Bangladesh", se plaint-il. Ironiquement, il s'agit d'un commentaire d'un match de cricket entre le Bangladesh et le Kenya étant engueuler direct à la radio Bangladesh.

Après avoir été interrogé, si les enfants ont aimé le cricket et le nom du joueur de cricket indien, les enfants du village ont fait chou blanc. «Nous écoutons ce que nous obtenons à la radio», dit un gamin. «Nous aimons jouer au football", a déclaré un autre jeune enthousiaste.

Un exemple classique d'une gaffe Radcliff est le terrain de football du village. La moitié du champ est de l'Inde l'autre moitié au Bangladesh. Les joueurs effort de franchir la frontière internationale au cours de leurs jeux. Tous les joueurs de football sont ici, donc, de renommée internationale, littéralement parlant.
Vous sentez-vous en jouant bizarre simultanément dans deux pays dans un jeu de 90 minutes de football? «Non, dit l'un des jeunes joueurs de football. "Ne jamais senti la différence, c'est la même chose".

Ni ne Radcliff, il traça une ligne droite sur une carte topographique tragiquement divisant les rivières, les places de marché, etc Il a payé le moins d'attention aux réalités du terrain. Ce gentleman anglais a dirigé la Commission de la frontière à la partition Inde en 1947.

Le trekking de retour vers le village de Pyrdiwah, tout le monde redoutait de passer par le patch où les femmes du Bangladesh a lancé les abus. Mais, elle après la longue tirade avait probablement décidé de faire quelque chose de constructif ... peut-être ... se fait ses corvées.

L'après-midi a été d'être grillé par la chaleur avril, à Pyrdiwah. Simol Khonglah était d'une humeur gaillarde. Elle a été l'un des premiers villageois, qui a informé de l'incursion du Bangladesh en avril 2001. Puis, le village était assiégé, maison et cultures endommagés et pillés pendant des jours par les Bangladais.

Elle dit, les villageois sont ici «plus peur», avec le BSF se ré-exécution après l'incursion, à partir d'un peloton d'une société. Néanmoins, le fait demeure, le BSF est très insuffisant. La distance normale de la frontière des messages (BOP) est comprise entre 5 à 8 kms. La distance est grande par la norme internationale. Et avec de vastes étendues du total 4000 km de la frontière indo-Bangla reste non clôturée, la tâche du BSF est coupé.

Les observateurs se sent, New Delhi et Dhaka a pas fait assez pour exorciser le fantôme de Radcliff dans le secteur oriental. Il est à craindre et l'anxiété perceptible dans ces villages après toutes ces années. Ces lieux ont quelque peu irréel de vraies personnes avec la vie florissante de vie là-dedans, que les deux pays doivent reconnaître.

Ces craintes et une volonté de se battre sur sont probablement semblable à la vie au Bangladesh durant l'occupation du Pakistan de ce pays. Le célèbre poète du Bangladesh rebelles Nirmalendu Goon a écrit dans «arme à feu» son poème de cette occupation et le diktat militaire durant cette période:

Effrayé des citoyens, conformément aux directives militaires / déposent leur fusils de chasse, fusils, pistolets et des cartouches / comme des offrandes promis à un sanctuaire / seulement moi, désobéir à la directive militaire, a fermé les rebelles doux / Je suis ouvertement le retour à ma chambre, et encore avec moi repose une arme à feu terrible / mon cœur / Je ne l'ai pas remise.

(original) The unhurried sun-baked paths of these dusty villages seem to begin and end at some unknown place, where the ghost of one English gentleman, Cyril Radcliff reigns. These villages are pregnant with pause. Time seem to have stopped ticking here from 1947.

However, this has not inhibited life to force out of the earth. Be it the verdant grass full with juice or the wild daffodils swaying with the humid air. There are also the occasional Mimosa plants, remaining, seemingly incommunicado, after several attempts to reach them. These are some of the villages dubbed "in adverse possession" (for whatever it means) near Pyrdiwah along the Indo-Bangla border in Meghalaya.

Here the Bangladeshi cow does not hesitate to graze on (Indian) grass. She lifts her head to take a glimpse at the approaching strangers. Seconds later, she resumes, nonchalantly, her munching. The area is also dotted with 'T, sub and International boundary pillars'. From far off, they look like ink blots caused by a messy pen on a topographic map. The Azan from the distant Bangladeshi mosque wafted over these blotches.

Witnessing all these, it's easy to lose oneself, and accidentally tread inside Bangladeshi as if possessed by the Radcliff ghost. Here too the air hangs humid, the Mimosa plants are equally ashamed. Only a sickle-wielding Bangladeshi charging across the uncultivated paddy fields can bring home the point of being in an unreal world.

"Amrare marte aiso ni?" (Have you come to kill us"?) With this suspicion, he gathers his fellow men and queries: "Bandook diya ki korba… marba ni? (What are you doing with guns … want to kill us"?), pointing at the Border Security Force (BSF) Guards.

Meanwhile, a garden snake criss-crossed the border with ease. The Border Security Force (BSF) did not worry much about the infiltration. "Apko kuch nahi karega… yeh zaheerila nehi hai' ("it won't harm you… it is not poisonous."), echoed the border guards in unison of the Bangladeshi intrusion.

On further trekking upon the zero line in the Indian side, the suspicion and misinformation (probably) spread like wild fire across the border. Children dashed off like wind. Disappearing behind plentiful banana trees and Betel nut plantations. They left a trail of dust, chaos and tension in the air. More Bangladeshi gathered and ran and walked parallel to the Indian team. All the while shouting across the border. There was perceptible pandemonium on the other side.
A woman in the Bangladeshi side, being probably misinformed of the Indians visit, hurled the choicest expletives from her thatched hut doorstep. Her lament interspersed with abuses continued for at least 20 minutes until the Indian team found (thankfully) natural cover of the hills.

Finally, at Lyngkhat village (Lakhancherra in Bangladesh ), the villagers gathered. The cameras and tripods intrigued hoards of children here. The Bangladeshi children too squatted and watched with amaze from across the International border about five feet away. Bangladeshi women bathed in a soiled stream nearby. There are no fences here, no words exchanged, between the two neighbours. The BSF stood vigilant. The village is tagged "in adverse possession''.

There are about 52 such land tagged "in adverse possession" in India claimed by Bangladesh. India claims for about 49 such land 'in adverse possession' of Bangladesh. These small pieces of land vary in size from 5 to 500 acres.

Moreover, there is the trickier issue of Enclaves. There are 111 Indian Enclaves (known as Chits in Bangladesh) measuring 17,258.24 acres in Bangladesh. Similarly, there are 51 such Bangladesh enclaves in Indian Territory, covering 7,083.72 acres.

"We are scared," said, Thomlin Khongthohrem, with knitted brows, one of the village elders at Lyngkhat village. "Last year some of our people were dragged into Bangladesh", he laments. Ironically, there is a commentary of a cricket match between Bangladesh and Kenya being bawled live on Bangladesh radio.

On being queried, if the children enjoyed cricket and the names of Indian cricket player, the village kids drew a blank. "We listen to whatever we get on the radio," said one kid. "We love to play football," said another enthusiastic kid.

A classic example of a Radcliff goof up is the village football field. Half of the field is in India the other half in Bangladesh. The players effortlessly cross the International border during their games. All the football players here are, therefore, of International repute, literally speaking.
Does it feel weird playing simultaneously in two countries in a ninety minute game of football? "No," said one of the young football players. "Never felt the differences, it is the same".

Neither did Radcliff, he drew a straight line on a topographic map tragically dividing rivers, market places etc. He paid the least heed to the ground realities. This English gentleman headed the Boundary Commission to partition India in 1947.

On trekking back towards Pyrdiwah village, everyone dreaded to pass through the patch where the Bangladeshi women had hurled abuses. But, she after the long tirade had probably decided to do something constructive… perhaps… get her chores done.

The afternoon was being roasted by the April heat, at Pyrdiwah. Simol Khonglah was in a chirpy mood. She was one of the first villagers, who informed of the Bangladeshi incursion back in April 2001. Then, the village was besieged, house and crops damaged and looted for days by the Bangladeshis.

She says, the villagers here are 'not scared anymore', with the BSF re-enforcing itself after the incursion, from a Platoon to a Company. Nonetheless, the fact remains, the BSF is greatly understaffed. The normal distance of the Border out Posts (BOP) is between 5 to 8 kms. The distance is high by International standard. And with vast stretches of the total 4000 km of the Indo-Bangla border remaining unfenced, the BSF's task is cut out.

Observers feels, New Delhi and Dhaka has not done enough to exorcise the ghost of Radcliff in the eastern sector. There is perceptible fear and anxiety in these villages after all these years. These somewhat unreal places have real people thriving with life living in there, which both countries need to acknowledge.

These fears and a will to fight on are probably akin to the life in Bangladesh during Pakistan's occupation of that country. Famed Bangladeshi rebel poet Nirmalendu Goon wrote in his poem 'Firearm' of that occupation and the military diktat during that time:

Frightened citizens, in accordance with military directives/ are depositing their shotguns, rifles, pistols and cartridges/ like promised offerings at some holy shrine/only I, disobeying the military directive, turned a mild rebel/ I am openly returning to my room, and yet with me rests a terrible firearm/my heart / I didn't surrender it.

Train à Shillong Partie II

SOHBAR (Cherrapunjee) INDE - Pour la première fois, le 16 Juin 1886, les gens de cette colline-station pittoresque, entreprit un voyage inoubliable à bord de l'un des plus romantique des chemins de fer de montagne du monde - l'État Cherra Companyganj chemins de fer (CCSR.)

CDRS était un contemporain de la Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR), qui a ouvert à la circulation en 1881. DHR est maintenant inscrit sur la liste du patrimoine mondial.

Le CDRS après l'ouverture à la circulation ingurgité plus de gargouillis des ruisseaux et à travers d'épaisses forêts, pendant au moins 10 ans. Les passagers et les marchandises ont été transportés et-vient entre Tharia - d'un village paisible à proximité de Cherrapunjee - et Companyganj (aujourd'hui au Bangladesh) au cours de ces séjours. La distance de ce voyage était de 7,5 miles.

CSSR à la fin de sa première année de service en 1887, ingurgité loin de gagner Rs. 4734. Il obstinément travaillé à accroître ses recettes de roupies. 17.490 en 1890, réduisant ainsi sa perte totale à environ Rs 2000!

objectif principal était de CSSR communiquer avec la province de Sylhet Cherrapunjee une distance de 15 miles étrange et plus tard avec Sylhet Shillong.

Le coût total de la construction de ce projet de chemin de fer de montagne romantique couvrant une distance totale de 15 miles a été à peu près 8 lakh - sur le prix d'une voiture à mi-segment de nos jours!

Il y avait trois sections de la CDRS. Tharia à Companyganj a été la première section. La deuxième section, de Tharia à Mawsmai parcouru une distance d'environ 5 miles. Le retard du troisième Mawsmai à Cherrapunjee, sur une distance d'environ 4 miles, au sommet du plateau de Shillong.

Construction de la deuxième partie s'est révélée la plus ardue. Il était une montée dangereuse de 3.616 pieds de Tharia à Mawsmai au cœur de la jungle épaisse et plus cascades babillage.

Bien que le Tharia de l'article Companyganj a été ouverte pour le public, les travaux de connexion à Tharai Mawsmai été rempli que par Novembre 1887.

Mais, en raison de la pente difficile de la seconde section, tente d'exécuter voitures échoué. Le nombre de déraillement ont été beaucoup plus court ensuite réussi. Maçon essayé de réaligner les lignes et vain essayé pendant des mois pour exécuter voitures.

Enfin, après bien des hésitations, le gouvernement provincial de l'Assam signé la fermeture de la CCSR en 1891. Il a cependant permettre à la section Tharia à Companyganj à courir.
Mais, le tremblement de terre de 1897 avait d'autres plans et détruit cette section trop expéditeur du CDRS, aussi appelé le Cherrapunjee Remontées mécaniques, les pages de l'histoire.

(original) SOHBAR (CHERRAPUNJEE) INDIA – For the first time, on June 16, 1886, people from this quaint hill-station, undertook a memorable journey aboard one of the most romantic Mountain Railways of the World – the Cherra Companyganj State Railways (CCSR.)

CCSR was a contemporary to the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR), which opened for traffic in 1881. DHR is now inscribed on the World Heritage list.

The CCSR after opening for traffic chugged over gurgling streams and through thick forests, for at least 10 years. Passengers and goods were ferried to and fro between Tharia – a sleepy hamlet near Cherrapunjee – and Companyganj (now in Bangladesh) during those sojourns. The distance of this journey was 7.5 miles.

CSSR at the end of its first year of service in 1887, chugged away to earn Rs. 4,734. It doggedly toiled on to increase its earnings to Rs. 17,490 by 1890, thus reducing its total loss to about Rs 2000!

CSSR’s main objective was to connect Sylhet province with Cherrapunjee a distance of 15 odd miles and later Sylhet with Shillong.

The total cost of building this romantic mountain railway project covering a total distance of 15 miles was just about 8 lakh – about the price of a mid-segment car these days!

There were three sections to the CCSR. Tharia to Companyganj was the first section. The second section, from Tharia to Mawsmai covered a distance of about 5 miles. The third lag was from Mawsmai to Cherrapunjee, a distance of about 4 miles, atop the Shillong plateau.

Building of the second section proved the most arduous. It was a treacherous climb of 3,616 feet from Tharia to Mawsmai through the heart of thick jungle and over babbling waterfalls.

Although the Tharia to Companyganj section was opened for the public, the work to connect Tharai to Mawsmai was completed only by November 1887.

But, owing to the difficult inclines of the second section, attempts to run carriages failed. The numbers of derailment were far greater then successful runs. Builders did try to realign the lines and futilely tried for months to run carriages.

At last, after much hesitation, the provincial government of Assam inked the closure of CCSR in 1891. It did however allow the Tharia to Companyganj section to run.
But, the Earthquake of 1897 had other plans and destroyed this section too consigning the CCSR, also called the Cherrapunjee Mountain Railways, to the pages of history.

Train à Shillong

SOHBAR (Cherrapunjee) INDE - Les moments de l'histoire encore errants romances avec le folklore de la «Drum», sifflant et soufflant jusqu'à, en essayant aussi dur que les nuages ​​fatigué de ces collines.

Il s'agit de la saga d'un projet qui a échoué et oublié d'une époque révolue. Comme les nuages, le "Drum" trop voulu monter plus haut et plus haut de la plaine du Bengale à Cherrapunjee. Mais, comme avec les nuages ​​fatigué, trop éclaté et tomba.

Les habitants ici tendrement romantique cette histoire de «Alan Sahep et son rêve de porter le 'Drum' à Cherrapunjee dans la fin des années 1800, dans un folklore presque oublié.

"Alan Sahep s'est suicidé après son projet a échoué," quatre-vingt-ans Opren S Khongsit murmura rappelant l'héritage. "Mon grand-père m'a raconté l'histoire d'Alan Sahep de« Drum 'quand j'étais un garçon ... », l'ancien combattant romancée.

Historique de cette tradition est presque rongé par le temps. Mais, heureusement, certains livret donne un bref compte rendu de cette histoire fascinante.

En 1895-96, le gouvernement provincial de Colombie-composite Assam construit le Cherra ou la ligne de chemin de fer Theira Comanyganj. Le "Drum 'était en fait un tramway, qui était d'environ 8 miles de longueur.

la ligne à voie métrique a été jugée trop coûteuse. Donc, Tramways, 2 "- 6" jauge de longueur variable ont été mis au point dans de nombreuses régions du composite Assam. Ces tramways sont censés être les lignes d'alimentation de la ligne ferroviaire principale dans le transport de passagers et de marchandises.
Le Cherra ou la ligne de chemin de fer Theira Comanyganj était une ligne d'alimentation par exemple à la ligne principale à la province du Bengale Sylhet (aujourd'hui au Bangladesh).

Dans ce projet, aucune entreprise privée a été engagée par le gouvernement provincial, comme dans le cas de projets similaires pendant ce temps.

Pour 'Alan Sahep et ses hommes il a été le plus grand défi de porter le plateau au sommet d'Tramway Shillong qui s'avance à la verticale de la plaine du Bengale.

Ainsi, les pentes abruptes sont que même les nuages ​​est épuisé au cours de cette ascension et se décomposent à Cherrapunjee provoquant les plus fortes précipitations sur la terre.
Néanmoins, «Alan Sahep 'enquête et a réussi à identifier les pentes amical et fixer des pistes et de ponts pour le projet.

Une randonnée à travers cet héritage oublié a été une découverte d'un isolé, mais, des merveilles extraordinaires jungled que par la négligence et probablement plus de visibilité.
La montée finale était un labyrinthe prodigieux de sillonne à travers les forêts denses et des cascades se précipiter.

Vestiges de ponts de chemin de fer en cascade cachée derrière une forêt dense pour l'instant d'un siècle ont été trouvés. rampes en pierre antique (maintenant inclus dans le feuillage épais) a couru vers ces ponts. En outre, mis au rebut bits de cette histoire ont été découverts dans les villages voisins.

Dans le village de Sohbar par exemple, mis au rebut les rails sont maintenant utilisées comme lampadaire. Plusieurs de ces pistes ont également été trouvés dans le bureau du chef de village de.

"Ils ont été mis au rebut de la jungle à proximité," Steward Lyngskar, Saidar (chefs) du village de Sohbar informé.

Record dire, ce tramway a transporté des passagers et de calcaire dans la province de Sylhet. Les villageois ajouter ici que le tram est arrivé jusqu'à Thangkrang près Cherrapunjee.
"On a tenté de relier la ligne à Cherrapunjee", le livre des records dire en ajoutant, le projet a échoué après le tremblement de terre de 1897.

"Au Tharia (près du village de Sohbar) le moteur de la« Drum »a déraillé. Elle a posé là depuis des années. Finalement, les villageois il mis au rebut,« Opren rapporté.

Ce qui est étonnant, c'est qu'il ya peu d'enregistrements à propos de cette prouesse technologique incroyable. Très peu, en fait, le savoir dans le Meghalaya. Le folklore a été maintenu en vie que par des personnes comme Opren.

Il ya beaucoup plus de pièces de puzzle qui doivent être mises en place pour obtenir l'image complète. Beaucoup de questions plus liées à ce voyage étonnant de «Alan Sahep de Drum 'pas encore répondu ...

(original) SOHBAR (CHERRAPUNJEE) INDIA - The stray moments of history still romances with the folklore of the 'Drum,' whistling and chugging up, trying as hard as the tired clouds of these hills.

This is the saga of a failed and forgotten project of a bygone era. Like the clouds, the 'Drum' too wanted to climb higher and higher up from the Bengal plains to Cherrapunjee. But, as with the tired clouds, it too broke down and fell.

The locals here fondly romanticize this story of 'Alan Sahep' and his dream to bring the 'Drum' to Cherrapunjee in the late 1800s, in an almost forgotten folklore.

"Alan Sahep committed suicide after his project failed," ninety-year-old Opren S Khongsit muttered recalling the legacy. "My grandfather told me the story of Alan Sahep's 'Drum' when I was a boy…," the veteran romanticized.

Historical background of this lore is almost gnawed by time. But, fortunately some record book give a brief account of this fascinating history.

In 1895-96, the British Provincial Government of Composite Assam constructed the Cherra or Theira Comanyganj railway line. The ‘Drum’ was in fact a Tramway, which was about 8 miles in length.

Meter gauge line was found too expensive. So Tramways, 2" – 6" gauge of varying length were devised in many parts of composite Assam. These Tramways were meant to be feeder lines to the main railway line in transporting passengers and goods.
The Cherra or Theira Comanyganj railway line was one such feeder line to the main line at Bengal’s Sylhet province (now in Bangladesh).

In this project, no private company was engaged by the provincial government, like in the case of similar projects during that time.

For 'Alan Sahep' and his men it was the biggest challenge to bring the Tramway atop Shillong plateau which juts vertically from the Bengal plain.

So steep are the inclines that even the clouds gets exhausted during this ascend and break down at Cherrapunjee causing the heaviest rainfall on earth.
Nonetheless, 'Alan Sahep' surveyed and managed to identify friendly inclines and lay down tracks and bridges for the project.

A trek through this forgotten legacy was a discovery of an isolated, but, amazing wonderland jungled only by neglect and probably over-sight.
The eventual climb was a stupendous maze of criss-crosses through dense forests and rushing cascades.

Remains of railway bridges over waterfalls hidden behind dense forest for now a century were found. Ancient stone ramps (now covered in thick foliage) ran up to these bridges. Moreover, scrapped bits of this history were discovered in nearby villages.

In Sohbar village for instance, scrapped rail tracks are now used as lamp post. Many of these tracks were also found in the village headmen's office.

“These were scrapped from the jungle nearby,” Steward Lyngskar, Saidar (headmen) of Sohbar village informed.

Record say, this Tramway carried passengers and also limestone in Sylhet province. Villagers here add that the Tramway came right up to Thangkrang near Cherrapunjee.
“Attempts were made to link the line up to Cherrapunjee”, the record book say adding, the project failed after the earthquake of 1897.

"At Tharia (near Sohbar village) the Engine of the 'Drum' derailed. It laid there for years. Eventually, villagers scrapped it," Opren narrated.

What is astonishing is that there are scant records about this amazing engineering feat. Very few, in fact, know about it in Meghalaya. The folklore has been kept alive only by persons like Opren.

There are many more pieces of the jigsaw that need to be put in place to get the complete picture. Many more questions relating to this amazing journey of 'Alan Sahep's Drum' yet to be answered...

Pourquoi suis-je si peu? PA Sangma

Son «Gulliverian« personnalité certainement pas match-up avec sa stature »Lilliputiens et le mercredi, Purno Agitok Sangma eu ce compositeur assez court pour les scientifiques:" Pourquoi est-Sangma si peu? "
Lorsque le leader du PCN a posé la question lors d'une conférence tenue au Conseil indien de recherche agricole (ICAR), Umiam, la plupart se mit à rire en pensant que c'était encore un autre jeu de mots caractéristique de Sangma.
«Je suis sérieux," a insisté Sangma. «Pourquoi est que la plupart des tribus du Nord-Est à court? Est-il quelque chose à voir avec leurs habitudes alimentaires?" L'ancien Président du Lok Sabha, maintenant président du conseil de planification Meghalaya, demandé.
Cela a fait la majorité du public au centre ICAR en tout introspection. «Je suis vraiment curieux de savoir, at-il demandé à l'auto-réflexion.
Plusieurs pays asiatiques comme le Japon, la Corée et la Chine, a déclaré Sangma, ont commencé les travaux de recherche à comprendre si l'habitude et les aspects nutritionnels ont eu une incidence à la croissance physique.
Ces pays estiment que la petite taille de leur population respective les a mis dans une position désavantageuse quand il s'agit de la concurrence dans le domaine du sport.
"Les nations européennes et africaines avec leur haute stature sont toujours à un point avantageux lorsque Venez à des activités sportives,« le un peu plus de 5 pieds de hauteur Sangma dit.
"Je tiens les scientifiques agricoles d'entreprendre des études similaires sur nos habitudes alimentaires et de voir s'il ya un lien entre l'alimentation et la structure physique de la population tribale", at-il dit.
L'ex-Président du Lok Sabha Sangma a également exhorté à la aux scientifiques d'étudier s'il y avait une corrélation entre les habitudes alimentaires de la population du nord-est et le grand nombre de cas de cancer dans la région.
"Il ya un grand nombre de cas de cancer parmi les populations tribales de la région, et je me demande si la consommation de la viande séchée ou fumée - une délicatesse tribaux - pourrait être un facteur contributif, at-il demandé.
Sangma, au cours de son long séjour en tant que ministre de l'Union à New Delhi, a été aimé et raillé pour sa petite taille et son comportement jovial par des amis et des caricaturistes comme. Cependant, le mercredi de cette "courte" discours de Sangma une fois de plus dévoilé son «dominant» de la personnalité!


His ‘Gulliverian’ personality certainly does not match-up with his ‘Lilliputian’ stature and on Wednesday, Purno Agitok Sangma had this rather short poser for scientists: “Why is Sangma so short?”
When the NCP leader asked the question at a conference held at Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Umiam, most burst out into laughter thinking it was yet another characteristic pun of Sangma.
"I am serious," Sangma insisted. "Why is that most tribal in North-East short? Is it something to do with their food habit?" The former Lok Sabha Speaker, now the chairman of the Meghalaya Planning Board, asked.
This sent most of the audience at the ICAR centre into quite introspection. "I am really curious to know," he inquired in self-reflection.
Several Asians countries like Japan, Korea and China, Sangma said, have started research work to understand if food habit and nutritional aspects had any bearing with physical growth.
These nations feel that short stature of their respective population has put them into a disadvantageous position when it comes to competition in the sporting arena.
“European and African nations with their tall stature are always at an advantageous point when in come to sporting activities,” the just over 5 feet tall Sangma said.
"I wish the agricultural scientists take up similar studies on our food habit and see if there is any link between food and the physical structure of the tribal population," he said.
The Former Lok Sabha Speaker Sangma also urged upon the scientists to investigate if there was a correlation between food habit of the people of the north east and the large number of Cancer cases in the region.
"There are a large number of cancer cases among the tribal population in the region, and I wonder if consumption of dry or smoked meat - a tribal delicacy - could be a contributory factor," he wondered.
Sangma, during his long stint as a Union Minister in New Delhi, was loved and lampooned for his short stature and jovial demeanor by friends and cartoonists alike. However, on Wednesday this “short” speech of Sangma once again unveiled his “towering” personality!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Two upset men today shook hands and transacted a 500 rupee currency, however in the episode, one couldn’t miss the irony of a situation when the glass has to be viewed as either half empty or half filled - but not totally filled.

The incident occurred at a travel agency when the manager R Sharma grudgingly handed over a Rs. 500 note to a customer J Dkhar. The customer accepted the currency and returned the favour with a grudging demeanour.

“Hope this is not a fake too,” the customer, J Dkhar asked the manager of Sheba Travel agency. “No,” Sharma almost screamed and both men shook hands and laughed.

Dkhar said, few days back he was handed a Rs. 1000 currency by Sharma after he cancelled an air ticket at his agency. But today he discovered it was a fake.

He, therefore, went to the travel agency and told them about the currency. Understandably, there was heated discussion over the issue as Sharma said he never handed the fake note.

After that both Sharma and Dkhar came to an understanding to share the loss, with Sharma giving Dkhar Rs. 500.

“At least we will share the burden and it’s a win-win situation,” one of the employees of the agency said encouragingly, however, the rhetoric didn’t make a lasting impact on either of the men.

Today’s incident may have been resolved amicably, but of late incidence of receiving fake note has been growing in the city. People complain that after being in possession of a fake currency accidentally, they are left with no alternative, but destroy it.

“I received a Rs. 500 fake currency few days back, the bank destroyed it…it’s a loss for me,” Bah Jean, a senior journalists said.

The matter has been accentuated with Meghalaya sharing a porous border with Bangladesh and this vulnerable area has been abused by militants and smugglers to pump in fake Indian currency from across the border.

Pakistan’s ISI has been blamed for the wide circulation of the counterfeit Indian currency here in the region through Bangladesh. The BSF has been successfully recovering fake Indian currency along the border, but still there is a lot to be done.

Meanwhile, Dkhar said he would double check before accepting a Rs. 500 and Rs 1000 note next time, Sharma echoed his sentiments saying: “this is the first time and the last time such an incident is going to happen to me.”

Monday, April 25, 2011


Ever wondered how sweets, or its North Korean currency equivalent, can leave a bitter taste on the spirit? Try shopping or marketing in the “Scotland of the East” – Shillong.

Business houses, large or small, here in the capital of India's northeastern state, Meghalaya, have discovered an ingenious but illegal way of short-changing gullible customers. Shopkeepers seldom return money worth Rs 5 or below as changes here, but hand over sweets instead.

It is not entirely true that coins in the denomination of rupee one to five are not available, which shopkeepers shrug as an excuse, but handing candies is the way out for these shopkeepers to laugh their way to the bank.

“I despise candies. Therefore, candies are as good as a North Korean currency for me. However, I was forced to take them, not once, but each time I shopped in Shillong,” Debjani Saikia, a tourist from Assam, said about her bitter marketing experience in Police Bazar.

Departmental stores in the city all have a neat candy box near the cash counter. “I saw a person handing Rs 75 to the cashier, but he refused to give me Rs 5 as change and instead handed me a milky bar, which I refused to take and was then rudely asked to hand back the items purchased,” Saikia said.

There are other shops which illegally hand over a stamped coupon instead of coins to be redeemed later at the same shop. “We have a shortage of five rupee coins,” claimed a large store in Police Bazar justifying the stamped coupons worth five rupees.

If Rs one to five currency – as made to believe – is in short supply, fifty paise is an absolute no-no. Not a single shop would accept fifty paise coins leaving many tourists here amused at this extravagancy.

“The public must complain to the Deputy Commissioner’s office about this illegal practises and then we can act,” East Khasi Hills Deputy Commissioner, Jopthiaw Lyngdoh said. But, it’s difficult for tourist like Saikia to bring up such complaints to the district administration.

There was no immediate assurance of taking suo-moto action against these errant shopkeepers by Lyngdoh. He nonetheless said that soon his office would convene a meeting with East Khasi Hills Superintendent of Police, AR Mawthoh on this issue.

“We would inquire from the Reserve Bank of India if circulation of coins is short in the State or the shortage has been artificially created or there is no shortage. We would then take action based on the findings,” he promised.

Apart from shops, city taxi drivers are notorious for not returning money changes at all. “Be prepared to lose Rs one to five if you don’t carry the necessary changes in a local taxi,” a daily taxi commuter bitterly advised.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Dances are the finest monitors of the heartbeat, displaying the waltzing motions and emotions. Music is just a friendly accompaniment being in tune with it.

Dances begin in the cradle’s lullaby and end up in the crematory’s dirge. Precisely, there are the Chhatti dances of northern India, celebrating the birth of a child, to the Ka Shad Ksing, the funeral dance of Meghalaya’s West Khasi Hills district.

India's rich cultural heritage pulsates with colourful dances from classical to folk, dating back several thousand years.

In the northeast, some of the best known classical dance traditions are the Manipuri and Sattriya dances. Folk dances are what dancing shoes were made for. Some of the most colourful and vibrant folk dances of the region are the Bihu, Ka Shad Suk Mynsiem, Cheraw, Wangla and others.

With India being an agrarian society, there is no better time to celebrate than the harvest season. The Bihu, Bhangra, Ka Shad Suk Mynsiem are therefore all dances of the harvest season in spring.

Many of these dances are replete with myths and legends. Ka Shad Suk Mynsiem (dance of the happy hearts), celebrating its centenary year from April 16 to 18, is one of them.

Khasi legends say that in the beginning there was void and God decided to create Ramew, the guardian spirit of earth and her husband Basa. Sun was their first daughter, followed by Moon their son and three other daughters, wind, water and fire.

But still there were vast emptiness and Ramew turned to God who finally decided to let descend seven of the sixteen clans from heaven to earth and populate it.

These seven clans came to be known as Hyniew Trep or the seven huts, the seven sub-tribes of the Khasi people. God, however, made a covenant with Man. Ka Tip Briew Tip Blei (know man know God), Ka Tip Kur Tip Kha (knowledge of one’s paternal and maternal relationships) and Ka Kamai ia Ka Hok (live with virtue). But, Man became rebellious and greedy, breaking its covenant with God.

So, God planted Diengiei (tree of gloom), which grew everyday and its branches covered the Earth with darkness. Man became vulnerable to wild beast and evil spirits due to the growing darkness.

He, however, came to know from a Wren called Phreit that the tree had a weakness and cannot heal its wounds and there was a gash which the evil Tiger was healing with his licks so that the tree grows further and he would be able to hunt more easily.

The Wren advised Man to fortify the portion of the trunk, with knives and axes, which they had hewn so that the Tiger would not be able to heal the portion with its licks. Man did likewise. Eventually, the Tiger could not heal the tree and enabled man to fell Diengiei.

This was a great occasion and Man decided to celebrate it with a dance and according to legends it was the first Shad Suk Mynsiem celebrations. But, during the celebrations, the Sun and Moon (brother-sister duo) were late and were insulted by the gathering.

The Sun decided to hide herself in a cave and never to show her face again on Earth. Everyone failed to convince the Sun to return and finally the humble Rooster brought back the Sun to Earth after much persuasion. The Rooster was given the title of U Saw Shyrtong or the purple crest for its effort and dance celebrations began again.

But the celebrations were short-lived as the animals began to rebel and fall out of the way with Man threatening to destroy them with its brute strength.

Ka Lei Hukum (the Goddess of divine law), however, taught man to make Ka tir ka Sumar or the weapon of protection, with which Man defeated the animals and Shad Suk Mynsiem was organised to celebrate the victory.

Recorded history say Shad Suk Mynsiem was first celebrated on April 14 and 15, 1911 at Weiking ground at Mawkhar, Shillong.

However, it is also said, the dance was first organised before that at the courtyard of an old Khasi woman of Mawkhar called “men Jorhat.” The dance was called Ka Shad Sujin after the main organiser.

The place was congested and so the venue was shifted to the premises of one Mohan Massar. The dancers were given as a token of gift, Shira (flattened Rice) and so the people also called the dance Ka Shad Shira.

The dance is part of the Seng Khasi’s objective to further the ancient socio-religious cultural heritage of the Khasi people and to thank God for his blessings. Seng Khasi was formed in November 1899 to protect the indigenous Khasi religion.

In Shad Suk Myniem, both male and female dancers participate. Female dancers wear a Jainpien or a piece of cloth tied around the waist. A velvet blouse called Mukmor, a sarong-like garment called Jainsem and gold, silver necklaces together with bracelets and armlets.

But, the most important part of the adornments is the crown known as the Pansngiat made of gold or silver signifying the dancer’s dignity, purity of heart and modesty. The crown also consists of the Tiew Lasubon which is a wild orchid that symbolises the unmarried dancer’s chastity.

Male dancers wear the Jainboh a colourful silk dhoti. A sleeveless jacket called Jymphong. A waist band of colourful silk called Jain Syngkai and a red or yellow turban of pure silk called Jain Spong Khow attached with bird feathers called Thuia. The men also wear gold and silver necklaces and earrings.

Additionally, the men carry a silver sword, a whisk or Ki Symphiah and a silver quiver, Ryngkap with three arrows each symbolising Nam Blei (dedicated to God), Nam Lawblei (dedicated to the first mother of the clan) and the third, Nam Thawlang (dedicated to the first father of the clan.)

There are six different mode of dance in Shad Suk Mynsiem. These are Shad Nalai, Dum Dum, Klang, Padiah, Pyllun (circular formation) and Mastieh (sword or warrior dance).

During Shad Pyllun, women dance moving in the inner circle of the dancing arena through slow drag of the body with the foot digits surrounded by men on the outer circle accompanied by drum (Ksing and Nakra Bom) beats and the Tangmuri’s (wind instrument) melody.

In fact, drums form an important constituent of the festival and can be a male or female drum. Specific wood of the Lakiang tree is used to make the drums but not before strict religious ceremonies invoking U Biskorom, keeper of fire, king of artists, the master moulder, who is the patron spirit of drums and musical instruments.

“Drums are one of the great arteries palpitating in the heart of the Khasi people beating to the rhythm of one voice and culture,” says Sumar Sing Sawain, a Seng Khasi elder and senior journalist.

Shad Mastieh is a dance for males only and two groups of dancers face each other and charge shaking their swords and whisks demonstrating their fighting skills before bowing each other at the centre and retreating. The dances continue till sun-set.

Before this three-day dance festival, consecrators invoke the God for his blessings at the Seng Khasi House, Mawkhar.

Then a procession is taken out from Mawkhar to the Weiking ground with people singing, dancing to the tune of drums and flute, chanting Phawars (chanting clusters).

“There were lot of challenges in keeping this ancient tradition of ours alive. The British tried to stop it unsuccessfully. There are still challenges, but we are happy and proud that we have continued to progress completing 100 years of Shad Suk Myniem this year,” Seng Khasi general secretary, BS Rumnong said.

However, the practitioners of this indigenous faith are decreasing and contribute a little over 10 per cent of the state’s total population.

Nonetheless, the “happy hearts” continue to celebrate life, chanting light-hearted Phawars: Aaaaa! Lama ka seng khasi, bah kaweh na u sai sieij, ban duh ia la riti, lah bah duh te i baieit, Hoooi kiw..!. Hoooi kiw…! - Flag of Seng Khasi, flying from a bamboo string, rather than lose my culture, it’s better to lose my beloved.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Chief Minister Mukul today came a full circle, completing a year in office, but his “360 degree performance in 365 days,” raise questions whether he is circling to nowhere.

Sangma celebrated his 46th birthday and completion of his one-year tenure in office by releasing a booklet of his government’s achievements, titled - 360 degree performance in 365 days. Critics say the title figuratively illustrates the Chief Minister moving in confused circles and heading nowhere.

Sangma after taking charge 365 days ago promised change. “Change is the only constant,” he quipped to everyone’s attention because Meghalaya was going through a period of socio-economic stagnation before him.

A year on his promise of bringing about change in the social sector, especially in rural fringes of the state, remains largely unfulfilled. One example is the tardy Public Distribution System and the scam-hit National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme.

Wheat has been cent percent diverted for years. The quality of other food grain distributed through PDS in Meghalaya has remained inconsumable.

Sangma even after repeated demands from the public and NGOs has only promised, but so far not been able to bring about qualitative and quantitative changes in the PDS.

The much-talked about education and mining policies drafted before Sangma took charge is waiting for a Cabinet approval.

The controversial elevation of legislators to the rank and status of Chief Ministers has remained unchanged, although Sangma promised to do away with such unhealthy political largesse. Still, there are four legislators enjoying the rank and status of a Chief Minister.

What Sangma can take credit from are the central projects that the state government is implementing. The much needed widening of the Guwahati-Shillong road is underway. The construction of the Nongstoin-Tura road is another project that people can take heart from.

The utilisation of 100 per cent fund from the planning commission is another aspect that Sangma can take credit from. In a press conference, Sangma said a committee has been formed to draft a bill to enable social auditing of all state government projects.

This, he said, would help check corruption, a welcome-news for the people. But, at the release of the booklet at Hotel Pinewoods in the evening, several senior legislators from the Congress and coalition partners abstained, unhappy with the Chief Minister’s unilateral style and functioning.

Sangma, before he took charge, promised he would take everyone into confidence and take collective decisions, but legislators and ministers say he has broken the circle of trust by angling 180 degree on the promise and hence are demanding his ouster.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Call it an “intentionally-ridiculous race’” or an “inside joke turned travel phenomenon,” but, a 4000 mile Auto Rickshaw race on Indian roads is definitely as challenging as breaking the sound barrier.

Seventy-one teams from around the globe have embarked on a journey from the coast of South India (Cochin, Kerela) to the hills here in Shillong today all hopping inside their 150cc powered mean machines - Auto Rickshaws. The event is dubbed as Rickshaw Run.

Breaking the sound barrier would definitely be a bonus for the seventy teams from twenty countries, apart from raising Rs 60 lakh for charity. The fund from the charity would go to International Rescue Corps and Social Change and Development, India.

International Rescue Corps mobilises teams anywhere in the world in response to natural and man-made disasters.

Scad runs a large variety of projects and programmes for the poor in India in the areas of Education, Health and Community organisation and development.

The team intends to ‘tuk-tuk’ its way to the finishing line at Hotel Pinewood sometimes on April 30. In the process, would endure 4000 kms of notorious Indian traffic, unrelenting heat and muck and of course a fatigued self-discovery.

The annual event, organised by UK based group, “The Adventurists,” has generated immense interest amongst amateur adventurers around the world, who wish to seek Nirvana not through “easy and boring” journeys of life.

The organisers believe that adventurers need to be “flush their guide books down the toilets” and join the battle against an “increasingly boring and sanitised world.”

The “mighty three-wheeled race” would have live updates from the teams, including a position tracking system, SMS from the road, photos, videos and blogs on its website, during the back-breaking journey.

The Rickshaw Run has no prize waiting at the end of the finishing line, but lots of back-slapping, champagne and yes: take home tales to bore grandchildren.

“(This)intentionally ridiculous and hugely popular adventure is designed to raise money for charities in India and guarantee the very tallest of tales to bore your grandchildren with.

"The finish line doesn’t have a clock to mark the teams’ arrival, it has cucumber sandwiches, much back-slapping and a huge party,” Tom Morgan, Adventurists and Rickshaw Race founder said.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


The Comptroller and Auditor General's report is “not a fairytale, always with happy endings,” but, an “objective report” compiled by professionals.

A senior official from the CAG’s office, said on condition of anonymity, that the CAG comes up with an objective audit report annually after going through painstaking process of checks and balances and giving ample space for the government to present its side of the story.

“The CAG’s report is not a fairytale with happy endings as some would wish, it is objective and state what are facts,” the official said after Meghalaya Speaker, Charles Pyngrope raised doubts about the report’s trustworthiness.

Pyngrope said that the CAG’s report is “not the gospel truth” and therefore not above suspicion. He was reacting to charges of financial mismanagement of his predecessor, MM Danggo as exposed by this year's CAG report.

Earlier this year, Union Telecom Minister, Kabil Sibal defending his colleague and predecessor, A Raja, similarly challenged the CAG report, which estimated a loss of Rs. 1.76 lakh crore to the Indian nation in 2G spectrum allotments.

The Supreme Court later criticised Sibal for undermining the CAG report. The CAG’s office also stood by it report, saying, the data and estimated loss was corrected.

Meanwhile, the official here said all data reflected in the annual audit report are screened from government files. “We visit state government department and ask for details and the report is prepared based on those data,” the official said.

Once the draft audit is prepared, he added, it is sent to the concerned departments for their comments and feedbacks. “This process is repeated twice not once. If there is any mistake in the draft audit and is pointed out by the government, we correct it,” he said.

Moreover, professionals visit and conduct physical verification and finally the report is compiled and presented to the Assembly.

He added the CAG’s office is constitutionally mandated to audit the government’s finance and if there are any government wrongdoings it gets reflected, which eventually becomes an unhappy report for some.

Friday, April 8, 2011


The unhealthy trend of politicians doubling up and clinging as sports bosses in India is likely to change after the government enacts the National Sports Development (NSD) Bill.

Union Minster of sports and youth affairs, Ajay Maken said the draft NSD Bill would address some of the concerns such as politicians continuing as sports federation and association chiefs for years. He added sports persons are best suited to run these bodies.

“The draft bill is likely to infuse freash blood in the National sports associations and federations. It has proposed that 25 per cent of the voting rights would rest with sportsperson connected with respective associations and federations,” Maken said after inaugurating the 2nd Northeast Youth festival at the Polo grounds here today.

The elections to these sports bodies, he said, would be done through a secret ballot and the Returning Officer would be a retired judge of the High Court to ensure fairness. The upper age limit of presidents would be limited to 70 years.

“We are trying to bring about changes through this new bill to help develop sports in the country,” Maken said.

As of now, several politicians have also held posts of sports association and federations despite having scant experience of the sports they head. Experts, especially sportsperson, say, politics and sports should not be mixed.

Some of the striking examples of polticians dabbling in sports being Suresh Kalmadi, president cycling federation of India for 14 years, Jagdish Tytler president judo federation for 14 years, JS Ghelot president amateur Kabbadi federation of India 24 years VK Malhotra president Archery association of India 32 years and many others. The same is the case here in Meghalaya with several politicians also doubling up as presidents of sports bodies.

Meanwhile, Maken said northeast would be given special focus for development of sports in India. Citing the example of Manipur he said the tiny state has produced some world class athletes for India.

He added adequate fund would be released by his ministry to develop sports. “We have sanctioned Rs. 40 crore for Meghalaya to develop synthetic turfs and sporting facilities here,” he said.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


The Border Security Force (BSF) played and won a football match with Bangladesh Rifles (BDR). Elsewhere, a team of Bangladeshi boys and the BSF engaged in a game of hide and seek.

In the first match, BSF (Shillong frontier) and BDR (Sylhet frontier) fought their hearts out to win. Although, the players’ skills were nowhere close to Zidane’s, but thankfully his kind of head-butts were also absent.

During the course of the match non-partisan crowd from this small border town of Dawki cheered both the teams. Across the border, on Bangladeshi hilltops, spectators watched and cheered their team.
The ice was melted at the end when BSF IG (Shillong frontier) named Md. Feroz Hussain BDR’s goalie as the ‘player of match.’

Ironically, Hussain’s brave efforts could not save his team from BSF pumping in four goals, two each in each halves of the match. BSF won the match 4-0 after 90 minutes of dominance.

In the other game, hoards of Bangladeshi children tore down the nearby hill tops inside India to watch the football match from close quarters. It was tough for the BSF jawans to search the kids hiding behind trees and bushes and chase them away constantly.

In one such incident, a Bangladeshi boy stood still with his hands raised after being cornered by BSF personnel. What was noticeable was the nervous blush on his face knowing the game wasn’t over.

He gave the BSF personnel a slip and disappeared behind the bushes after the BSF jawan asked him to return to Bangladesh, only for another hoard of children to return. The scores were level in this game!

“Results don’t matter,” BSF IG (Shillong frontier) PK Mishra said. “It’s a beautiful beginning. Families of BSF and BDR are interacting and sharing quality time… that’s important,” BDR Sector Commandant (Sylhet frontier) Abdul Hossain added on the newfound bonhomie between BSF and BDR.

Earlier, it was nice to see for once Indians carrying their injured Bangladeshi counterpart on stretchers and administrating medical aid during the match. A far cry from the pictures of April 2001 when 15 BSF jawans were hauled on bamboo poles after being killed by BDR near Boraibari, Assam.

This stretch of the Indo-Bangla border in Tamabil is not fenced due to opposition from a handful of local organisations. This area is in “adverse possession” of India and claimed by Bangladesh. It is therefore difficult to tell when a person is inside India or Bangladesh.

Other children, like Sami and Safin, who accompanied their parents from Bangladesh as part of the BDR invitees, were thrilled: “the match between India and Bangladesh was good. We like India and want to come back again”.

BSF team would tour Sylhet, Bangladesh and play a volleyball match there soon. “There would be cultural programmes too,” informed the BDR Sylhet Sector Commandant.

In this entire friendly match, the Bangladeshi team may have lost the match, but their friendly demeanour on and off the pitch won many hearts.