Monday, June 15, 2015


After several years of teaching, a Guru led out a bunch of disciples from his ashram into the world with his last words of wisdom stating: “there is divinity in everything we see around.”

One Disciple: So even in this rock there is divinity!?

Guru: yes, and in this soil and this universe in this plant, this ant EVERYTHING. It is how you relate and approach to the surroundings that makes us what we are.  

The wizened disciple trod out from the ashram with an air of enlightenment.

Moments later an Elephant which was on *Mast and uprooting trees and bulldozing anything on its way, rushed towards the disciple. The **Mahut shouting out loudly “MOVE OUT this Elephant has gone mad…MOVE OUT!”

The confused disciple quickly recalled his Guru’s last sermon “divinity in everything” and said to himself “if there is divinity in everything than definitely it is in the Elephant and how can the divine hurt anyone.”

With this thought he placed his hands on his hips and stood and waited as the Elephant raged in. In a flash, the Elephant curled the disciple with its trunk and flung him as far as its might could.

The disciple landed like a burst bag of sand and did major damage to his bones and teeth. 

In excruciating pain he crawled to his Guru and fumed: "all your teachings are in vain."

Guru smiled and said: why do you say so Son?

Disciple: "you said there is divinity in everything and I believed you and so stood before this Elephant which was running amok. Is divinity not in an Elephant?"

Guru: "Sure there is."

Disciple: "Then why did it hurt me when the divine is all about love and peace."

The Guru who saw and heard everything from afar said: "Son, the DIVINE IN THE ELEPHANT was charging at you and the DIVINE IN THE MAHUT was giving out loud and clear instructions to move out. Haven’t you heard HIM?" 

- Fable narrated by Shri Ramakrishna in Kathamrita.

*When an Elephant high on testosterone and is in heat generally goes berserk looking for a mate.

**Elephant keeper/rider

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